CAT® впечатлил! CAT® impressed!

14 июня Caterpillar с размахом отпраздновала 45-летие со дня открытия офиса в Москве.

Мероприятие прошло в Московской области (г. Балашиха).

В рамках официальной презентации руководство компании поприветствовало гостей, представители компании рассказали присутсвующим об истории и этапах развития Caterpillar на российском рынке и странах СНГ, познакомили с обновленной линейкой предложений компаний для нашего рынка.

Презентация экскаваторов нового поколения Next Gen HEX прошла в творческом ключе - в унисон открытию чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 в России. Машины Caterpillar «отгрузили» в демо-зону тысячи футбольных мячей с логотипом компании, которые тут же были разобраны многочисленными гостями. После официальной части гости с “мячами от CAT” смотрели он-лайн трансляцию церемонии открытия чемпионата мира по футболу.

Предлагаем вашему вниманию развернутый фоторепортаж с места событий.

Выставка, тестирование машин, технологии и решения Cat-2018.

On June 14, 2018, Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office. The event was held in the Moscow region (Balashikha).

During the official presentation, the company's management told the guests about Caterpillar’s history and how its presence evolved in Russian and CIS markets. Representatives of the company introduced interesting updated range of product offers targeted to our market.

Presentation of the new generation of Next Gen HEX excavators was conducted in a very creative manner in style with the opening of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. Caterpillar machines "shipped" to the demo zone thousands of footballs with the company logo, immediately picked up by numerous guests. It was really cool!!!

After the official part, guests with "footballs from CAT" watched the on-line broadcast of the opening ceremony of the World Cup.

We are bringing to your attention our photo report of the event: exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar impressed!

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Company Caterpillar celebrated 45th anniversary of its Moscow office - exhibition, machines testing, technologies and solutions Cat-2018.

Елена Заровная: Всероссийский горно-строительный дайджест

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